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Why Akashic Records are in 5th Dimension?

Why Akashic Records are in 5th Dimension?

Do you know it is impossible to speak about akashic records without explaining the dimensions? Hence, it is a prerequisite to throw some light on the topic so that you can have an overview of it. The Akashic records have undergone a significant transformation in the...
Karma – Is not a Fate or Predestination

Karma – Is not a Fate or Predestination

We are all familiar with this word. The name itself has gained popularity throughout the world and people have perceived it in their own ways, sometimes out of convenience and other times out of societal influence and pressure. In all religious scriptures, it is...
Benefits of Akashic Record Healing!

Benefits of Akashic Record Healing!

There is a famous saying that “We are a Spiritual Being in a Physical Body”. But why this body is required if we all are Spiritual light? A Soul needs a physical body so that it can experience different shades of spirituality, experience and learn the lessons, that it...