Why Akashic Records are in 5th Dimension?
Do you know it is impossible to speak about akashic records without explaining the dimensions? Hence, it is a prerequisite to throw some light on...
Your First Step to Inner Well Being – Healing The Child Within!
The Inner child is actually an expression of not just your child self, but it relates to your lived past experiences and memories of innocence,...
Akashic Record Keeper – Your Spiritual Friend!
Akashic Records are in the 5th Dimension of the Universe and they are in the form of energy but everyone visualizes it in a different way like -...
Do I need to take Permission for Accessing Akashic Records?
Every Soul has its own Unique records and they are their exclusive property. Except for the Creator, no one can enter into their property without...
Karma – Is not a Fate or Predestination
We are all familiar with this word. The name itself has gained popularity throughout the world and people have perceived it in their own ways,...
Benefits of Akashic Record Healing!
There is a famous saying that “We are a Spiritual Being in a Physical Body”. But why this body is required if we all are Spiritual light? A Soul...
Can we change our future in Akashic Records, or everything is already predetermined?
Some of us think that our destiny is predetermined, and we don’t have the power/authority to change our future, but the story is different, and very...
My 1st Akashic Record Experience!
Today, I thought of sharing my experience of Accessing my own Akashic Records. Since the beginning of my spiritual voyage, I have felt a special...