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+91 9818060309

Benefits of Akashic Record Healing!

There is a famous saying that “We are a Spiritual Being in a Physical Body”. But why this body is required if we all are Spiritual light?

A Soul needs a physical body so that it can experience different shades of spirituality, experience and learn the lessons, that it had decided at the time of incarnation and can understand that they are just a visitor on this planet. It is not their own house. We always believe and think that we need to take care of our physical body by doing Exercises, Yoga, Zumba, Aerobics, etc, because we associate ourselves with this 3D image known as “Physical Body”.

If we have any kind of discomfort or disease in this physical body then we visit a doctor or a therapist, to make our physical body healthy, but we never take care of the Soul that resides inside this body. The actual wounds, sufferings, pain, etc. happen at the Soul level, the physical body is just a medium to show the pain our soul is going through. It is really important to understand that along with the physical body we need to heal our Soul.

Akashic Record healing helps us to heal our soul. Healing at the record level is very intense, powerful, and permanent. In this, healing is done at the core level from where the issue was generated. Akashic Record healing helps us to embrace our true Divine form. This will not only bring you back to your original blueprint but it also helps in enjoying happier relationships, a healthy body, prosperity, and success. In Akashic record healing, a therapist accesses your Soul data from the 7th plane of the universe where Creator resides and then healings are done. There are so many ways of healing records such as Akashic Healings, Energy healings, Past life regression, Prayer and Meditation.

Some of the Akashic Record Healing benefits are  

  • Helps in resolving issues Permanently.
  • It helps in the expansion of life force energy.
  • Alignment with Soul purpose.
  • We become Empathetic towards others.
  • We become more self-aware as healings help in removing the negative curtain.
  • Akashic Record Healing helps in clearing the karmic debts which are creating problems in the current life.
  • We can heal our ancestral curse.
  • After Healings, one can identify its Divine personality which eventually helps in achieving the final goal of Self-realisation / Moksha / Nirvana.
  • It helps in removing Curses, Spells, Black Magic, Negativity, Evil Eye, Negative Soul Contracts, etc.
  • Akashic Record healings clear the blockages which help in gaining more knowledge and wisdom from the universe.
  • We become a source of unconditional love to the entire universe.
  • Leads to the enhancement of overall well-being.

Akashic Record healings are very powerful & effective and it helps to clear our pathway to that future that we always wanted for ourselves.